Thursday, March 3, 2011

Butterfly in the sky. I can go twice as high.

Since I am always the one doing the talking here (and elsewhere.  I'm what they call a "Chatty Kathy."  If "they" are in the 1950s), let's hear whatcha got for me.  Oh, why did I choose this picture of LeVar Burton?  B/c he has two forms.  We used Reading Rainbow lyrics above, so I want Jordi version of LeVar.  You know, you're getting away from the point with these questions.

Anyways, if you were lying on the beach & your mom came up to you with a ravenous hyena she'd chained up with a rusty chain and told you to tell her your favorite book of all time or she'd "RELEASE THE HOUND!", what would it be?  If you have a couple MUSTs, that's cool too, but everyone has at least one book that changed their lives or way of thinking forever.  So put on that thinkin' cap, 'cause mama can't hold that hyena for long......

You know, this is my blog.  If I want to set up a scenario like that, I can.  Why is she holding a hyena back with a rusty chain?  Because she needs some recommendations for beach reading so she can join you.  Before she hits up the beach bar.  Plus, she knows you are all beached out and this is the only way to hurry you up so she can get that G&T and start soaking up rays with her new book.  I'm not denying what she's doing is crappy, but she's not my mom, she's yours.  You deal with that.  OK, now get to it.  I think I heard a link in the chain break...

Fine.  You win.  LeVar Reading Rainbow:
books & sunshine & hyenas on chains,


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