Thursday, February 17, 2011

One ring...

So here I am. Finally. I scoured email addresses - old, new, unused & unloved - to figure out where I created a blog before chickening out and abandoning it. Clearly, I found it. I have a journal where I collect all my ideas and handwrite some memories or thoughts, but I need somewhere that someone might accidentally stumble upon it and enjoy themselves or maybe even leave a comment. At least I think that's what I need.

I have dreams of an online (and eventually printed) independent magazine, but I have to get into the habit of writing on a regular basis first. I love to write but I never do it, for fear that it sucks. But enough of why, here's the what:

I want to give you some various thoughts that run through my brain, as well as showcase some things that go on around Oklahoma. When I was visiting my friends in Chicago (one of my favorite cities!), we walked through wonderful neighborhoods and shops and as we went along, I was constantly reminded of some of the hidden gems in OKC and Norman. I'm from Michigan, but in the three and a half years I have lived here, I have even noticed a transition from just churches on every corner to interesting shops, restaurants, galleries, festivals/events & communities being created all around the area and the state. I love Nylon magazine and all the people & places they are always uncovering and I think in many ways Oklahoma and the Midwest are comparable, so let's shine a light and celebrate it, dammit! Especially in a time where it is not as feasible for a person to up and move to a big city. You can have just as many unique connections and experiences without spending a boatload to starve on a corner like a "true artist."

So give me your thoughts, we'll see where this thing goes. I hope to have interviews and projects and play-by-plays of events, maybe even podcasts, but let's just tackle consistently writing. I'm no good at waiting for things to blossom organically, I want to be at the peak of the party, fuck the journey, so this is a learning opportunity for all of us. Including Blossom.  You never know, hats could be a part of learning here.  Anything's possible, right?

Oh, and please call bullshit if necessary.

flowers & sunshine,



Anonymous said...

I'm so excited you are over your fear of it sucking! (writing that is) I have the same issue. Time to throw caution to the wind and let it all out. Thank you for inviting me on your journey...can we hold hands?

Geoff said...

Looking forward to it Jojo! It's pretty obvious even from this little snippet that you have a natural talent for writing.

Unknown said...

Great post Jojo...I'll be anxiously awaiting the next one!

Ricky said...

I've always considered us a part of the Midwest, though we do have some southern traits.

Great post, and you are on my RSS!

Cxracer said...

You said the f-word!